Keynotes – Stories – Panel
Tuesday, 16.11.2021 | 10:00 CET / 14:30 IST (duration: 2 hours)
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Innovation & entrepreneurship form the basis for the prosperity of societies. India and Germany have been experiencing a start-up boom in promising industries for years. Start-ups are often founded by students and young scientists. How cooperation can contribute to the success of start-ups will be discussed at this event with German and Indian founders & promoters. The event is part of the India Week Hamburg 2021 and is aimed at students, funding organisations & stakeholders with an interest in the Indo-German start-up ecosystem.

Event organisers: GINSEP, GIRT, TU Hamburg, Hamburg Invest
Welcome: Introduction of Event & Partners:Dr. Stephan Buse, Deputy Director, Institute for Technology & Innovation Management, TUHH
Keynote: Prof. Peter Kabel, AECAL GmbH
Startup Stories:
Moderator: Julian Zix, Project Lead, GINSEP, German Startup Association
Ragesh Ravi, Founder, MyBunkers
Jannik Strohbeck, Atman Jain, Co-founders, ActiveLab
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Rajnish Tiwari, Professor of Business Administration & Global Innovation, Hochschule Fresenius
Lee Lee Ong, Project Director, International Investments, Hamburg Invest
Julian Zix, Project Lead, GINSEP, German Startup Association
Johannes Berg, Managing Director, Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg