Potentiale frugaler Innovationen für das Gesundheitswesen: Veranstaltungshinweis

Unter dem Motto „Frugal Innovations for a Healthy Society – Learnings for India and Germany“ laden wir im Rahmen der India Week Hamburg herzlich am 22. Nov. ab 17 Uhr in die Alte Rabenstr. 1, 20148 Hamburg (Hochschule Fresenius) ein für einen informativen Austausch.

Das deutsche Gesundheitswesen steht vor großen Problemen. Wachsende Patientenzahlen, der Fachkräftemangel und Kostenexplosionen belasten immer mehr Krankenhäuser. Inwiefern frugale Innovationen, d.h. kostengünstige Good Enough Lösungen, die Probleme mildern und welches Kooperationspotential diesbezüglich zwischen Deutschland und Indien besteht, wird mit Experten erörtert. Das Event richtet sich an alle Akteure mit Interesse an der Suche nach neuen Wegen zur Überwindung der Herausforderungen.

(Bild: Pixabay/ stevepb)

The German health care system is facing major problems. Growing patient numbers, the shortage of skilled workers and cost explosions are burdening more and more hospitals. The extent to which frugal innovations, i.e. low-cost Good Enough solutions, can alleviate the problems and the potential for cooperation between Germany and India in this regard will be discussed with experts. The event is aimed at all stakeholders with an interest in finding new ways to overcome the challenges.

Time Agenda
17:00 Begrüßung und Einführung
Dr. Hendrik Müller, Professor für Wirtschaftsethik und Unternehmenskommunikation Hochschule Fresenius
17:05Grußwort der indischen Generalkonsulin
Soumya Gupta, Generalkonsulin der Republik Indien in Hamburg (tbc)
17:15Impulsvortrag: Aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Gesundheitsversorgung in Deutschland
Dr. Philipp Walther, Professor für Gesundheitsmanagement Hochschule Fresenius und internationaler Advisor
17:35   Impulsvortrag: Frugale Innovationen
Dr. habil. Rajnish Tiwari, Professor für BWL und Globale Innovation Hochschule Fresenius und Center for Frugal Innovation der TU Hamburg
18:00Frugal Innovations in Healthcare: Perspectives of a Practitioner (Live-Beitrag aus Indien)
Dr. Shyam Vasudevarao, Founder and Director Forus Health, Renalyx and Rx DHP, Bengaluru (Indien)
18:30 Akzeptanz frugaler Innovationen im deutschen Gesundheitswesen: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung
Dr. Stephan Buse, Oberingenieur des Instituts für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement (TIM) TU Hamburg
Moderation: Dr. Hendrik Müller
– Enrique Dorn Schohaus, Head of R&D, 3B Scientific
– Fridjof Stuck, Leiter Medizintechnik des UKE
– Dr. Philipp Walther
– Dr. Stephan Buse  

Die Veranstaltung wird im Rahmen einer Kooperation zwischen dem Center for Frugal Innovation an der TU Hamburg, der Hochschule Fresenius, und dem German-Indian Round Table Hamburg organisiert. Unterstützt wird das Event von Life Science Nord sowie dem Indischen Generalkonsulat in Hamburg.

Informationen zur Anmeldung

Teilnahme an dieser an ein Fachpublikum ausgerichtete Veranstaltung ist kostenlos, bedarf aber einer Voranmeldung unter der Angabe Ihres Namens, Unternehmens und E-Mail-Adresse. Mit der Anmeldung stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Bildern und Videos der Veranstaltung zu.

Anmeldungen bitte bis Montag, den 20. Nov. 2023 via E-Mail unter folgender Adresse: indiaweek@tuhh.de

Download Programm als PDF, ca. 300 KB

India Week Hamburg 2023

Again time for celebrating India in Hamburg! From 20th to 26th November Hamburg will celebrate yet again an „India Week“ that started in 2007 and is now in its 10th edition.

Between 20th and 26th Nov. 2023 Hamburg will witness around 70 events, hosted by a wide variety of organizations, providing exciting insights into the contemporary culture and society of the Indian subcontinent.

During the India Week, current trends will become just as visible as the diverse economic, political and cultural connections between the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the world’s most populous country. Embark on a journey of discovery into the long-standing friendship between Hamburg and India, enjoy extraordinary art and cultural projects and help shape the future of our partnership in fields as promising as cutting-edge innovation, science & technology, healthcare.

The German-Indian Round Table co-organizes the India Week and has been one of the initiators and constant constituents since its inception. Also this time, in addition to our role as a co-organizer, we are co-hosting two events in collaboration with our valued partners:

(1) Hamburg-India Business Day (21 Nov. 2023)

(2) Frugal Innovations for a Healthy Society – Learnings for India and Germany (in German, on 22 Nov. 2023)

For both of these events we have been able to put together a very attractive program with distinguished speakers, and look forward to your participation.

India Week Hamburg is organized by a core team of institutions in Hamburg that includes the Senate Chancellery, Ministry of Culture, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, OAV Asia-Pacific Business Association, Hamburg Invest, the Hamburg Representation Mumbai, and the German-Indian Round Table, in partnership with the Consulate General of India as well as other institutions/organizations and individuals.

Download India Week 2023 program as PDF, approx. 14 MB

India Week Hamburg 2021: Indo-German cooperation in Research, Education and Innovation

Together with Fraunhofer IAPT and DESY we would like to cordially invite you to our joint event ’Indo-German cooperation in Research, Education and Innovation’ as a part of India Week, which will take place on

Wednesday, 10 November 2021 | 14:30 – 16:30 (CET)
at Consulate General of India | Kohlhöfen 21 | Hamburg

In context of Indo-German collaboration in research, DESY and Fraunhofer IAPT from Hamburg present science projects followed by a discussion with the audience.

Join us in the comprehensible lectures on nano-material research with X-rays and new manufacturing possibilities through industrial 3D Printing.

We welcome you for an one-on-one discussion on science, innovation as well as opportunities for students at both research institutions afterwards with:

  • Dr. Wolfgang Drube, DESY
  • Dr. Shrikant Bhat, DESY
  • M.Sc. Vishnuu Jothi Prakash, Fraunhofer IAPT

Please note that the event will be subject to the applicable corona and hygiene rules, as described in the following:

The participants will be allowed to the events only with a negative antigen test which should have been done not prior to 24 hours or with a proof of double vaccination.

It will be mandatory for all the participants to wear the medical masks during the event. The places will be limited to 50 participants. Registration to the event is not required.

More Information on the event, visit https://indico.desy.de/e/indiaweekhamburg

India Week Hamburg 2021 and GIRT’s engagement

It is with great pleasure that I write to you today with information about the “India Week Hamburg” that is set to take off tomorrow, Monday, 8 Nov. 2021. Even though the Corona pandemic has taken its toll on our regular meetings, it has not stopped us from working in the background on topics close to our heart.

Together with our valuable partners in Hamburg, especially the Senate Chancellery, the Ministry of Culture, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the OAV Asia-Pacific Business Association, Hamburg Invest, the Hamburg Representation Mumbai, and of course, the Consulate General of India, we have been able to put up an impressive program of over 70 highly attractive events for the India Week Hamburg 2021. There is a good mix of online, offline and hybrid events.

In the following, I pick up some events that are co-organized by GIRT Hamburg.

  • Monday, 8 Nov. 2021: Hamburg-India Business Days

As many of you already know, tomorrow is the Hamburg-India Business Day with an impressive line-up of speakers. The keynote on the topic of economic recovery after Covid is being delivered by Mr. Sanjeev Sanyal, who is the Principal Economic Advisor to the Government of India and an internationally acclaimed economist and best-selling author. This is followed by a panel discussion on the theme of “Self-reliant India Policy: What does it mean for German business?”. This session will be moderated by Stefan Halusa, Director General of the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce and the panelists include Prof. Rishikesha Krishnan, Director of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, Eeva Karsta (Drägerwork) and Indrajeet Sen (L&T). In addition, there are four online breakout sessions on highly relevant topics, such as green hydrogen projects in India, supply chains, taxation, and cooperation in R&D and innovation.

The session on R&D and innovation is an event of GIRT/TUHH. Further details about this session, including log-in details, can be found here.

  • Wednesday, 10 Nov. 2021: Potentials of Indo-German Collaboration for High-Tech Innovation

This very special GIRT/ TUHH/ FICCI event is concerned with the innovation potential in our turbulent world. Why does it make sense for India and Germany to cooperate in the field of hightech innovation? What are the experiences & challenges from firms‘ perspective? Join our online India Week Hamburg event on Nov. 10, between 10-12 CET to get some answers and a lot of inspiration from those who ought to know, namely experts and practitioners.

We look forward to an insightful event with high-caliber experts and practitioners that include Prof. Beate Bergé, Gopakumar Gopalakrishnan, Jagyan Mishra, John Ruolngul, Clemens von Reyher, Denise Ring, Dr. Stephan Buse, Pallavi Mishra, and Rajnish Tiwari.

Participating organizations (affiliations of the invited speakers) include companies such as Infosys Innovation Lab, L&T Technology Services Limited, and EDAG Group; universities such as the Fachhochschule Konstanz – Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung, Hamburg University of Technology, Hochschule Fresenius, and associations, e.g. FICCI, IHK Nord e.V. and the German-Indian Round Table (GIRT)..

Please register for the event using this link: https://tuhh.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvcuGorjIjE9TCSBsLRvIpspIPcZr8FRH4

  • Tuesday, 10 Nov. 2021: Indo-German Cooperation in Research, Education and Innovation (in presence)

In the context of Indo-German collaboration in research, DESY and Fraunhofer IAPT from Hamburg present science projects followed by a discussion with the audience. Comprehensible lectures will be given on nano-material research with X-rays and new manufacturing possibilities through industrial 3D Printing. Afterwards, scientists from Fraunhofer IAPT and DESY will be available for discussion on science, innovation as well as opportunities for students at both research institutions.

Info & registration: https://indico.desy.de/e/indiaweekhamburg

  • Tuesday, 16 Nov. 2021: Indo-German Start-up Stories

Innovation & entrepreneurship form the basis for the prosperity of societies. India and Germany have been experiencing a start-up boom in promising industries for years. Start-ups are often founded by students and young scientists. How cooperation can contribute to the success of start-ups will be discussed at this event with German and Indian founders & promoters. The event is aimed at students, funding organizations & stakeholders with an interest in the Indo-German start-up ecosystem.

For further details, please see: http://girt-hamburg.global-innovation.net/?p=1654

  • The overall India Week Hamburg

The entire program of the India Week across cultural, economic, political and social events, as well as some very well-prepared and useful articles, podcasts etc. can be found under: www.indiaweek.hamburg.de.

Concluding thoughts

We are very grateful to all those project partners and speakers who have contributed to enable the India Week in this pandemic time. Special thanks are due to the Senate Chancellery of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and Ms. Julie-Ann Shiraishi for great engagement and fruitful coordination.


On behalf of GIRT Hamburg – together with my colleagues Dr. Stephan Buse and Vishnuu Jothi Prakash – I wish you a week full of many informative, engaging and joyful events, whether online, offline or hybrid. Despite the short notice, which was unfortunately unavoidable due to various constraints, we do hope to see you in some of the events.

With very best regards

Rajnish Tiwari

Online event on Nov. 10, 2021: Potentials of Indo-German Collaboration for High-Tech Innovation

(image: GIGA Hamburg)
Come and get inspired!

India and Germany belong to the group of leading innovating nations in selected high-tech sectors. Research conducted by the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at TUHH shows that the competence profiles of the business and science sectors of both countries have complementarities, which have not been sufficiently utilized so far.

This online event will explore the potentials for Indo-German cooperation through selected successful practical examples, high-calibre expert talks and a panel discussion. Some of the questions it will focus upon are:

  • Why does it make sense for India and Germany to cooperate in the field of high-tech, e.g. hydrogen power?
  • What are the opportunities that German firms see in an innovation partnership with India?
  • Why do Indian companies engage in R&D and innovation in Germany? What are their experiences?

Event title: Potentials of Indo-German Collaboration for High-Tech Innovation

Date & Time: Wed., 10 Nov. 2021, 10:00 – 12:00 h (CET) | 14:30 – 16:30 h (IST)

Zoom link for registration:

