Indo-German Start-up Stories

Keynotes – Stories – Panel

Tuesday, 16.11.2021 | 10:00 CET / 14:30 IST (duration: 2 hours)

Live Stream:


Innovation & entrepreneurship form the basis for the prosperity of societies. India and Germany have been experiencing a start-up boom in promising industries for years. Start-ups are often founded by students and young scientists. How cooperation can contribute to the success of start-ups will be discussed at this event with German and Indian founders & promoters. The event is part of the India Week Hamburg 2021 and is aimed at students, funding organisations & stakeholders with an interest in the Indo-German start-up ecosystem.

Event organisers: GINSEP, GIRT, TU Hamburg, Hamburg Invest


Welcome: Introduction of Event & Partners:Dr. Stephan Buse, Deputy Director, Institute for Technology & Innovation Management, TUHH

Keynote: Prof. Peter Kabel, AECAL GmbH

Startup Stories:

Moderator: Julian Zix, Project Lead, GINSEP, German Startup Association

Ragesh Ravi, Founder, MyBunkers

Jannik Strohbeck, Atman Jain, Co-founders, ActiveLab


Moderator: Prof. Dr. Rajnish Tiwari, Professor of Business Administration & Global Innovation, Hochschule Fresenius

Lee Lee Ong, Project Director, International Investments, Hamburg Invest

Julian Zix, Project Lead, GINSEP, German Startup Association

Johannes Berg, Managing Director, Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg


Online event on Nov. 10, 2021: Potentials of Indo-German Collaboration for High-Tech Innovation

(image: GIGA Hamburg)
Come and get inspired!

India and Germany belong to the group of leading innovating nations in selected high-tech sectors. Research conducted by the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at TUHH shows that the competence profiles of the business and science sectors of both countries have complementarities, which have not been sufficiently utilized so far.

This online event will explore the potentials for Indo-German cooperation through selected successful practical examples, high-calibre expert talks and a panel discussion. Some of the questions it will focus upon are:

  • Why does it make sense for India and Germany to cooperate in the field of high-tech, e.g. hydrogen power?
  • What are the opportunities that German firms see in an innovation partnership with India?
  • Why do Indian companies engage in R&D and innovation in Germany? What are their experiences?

Event title: Potentials of Indo-German Collaboration for High-Tech Innovation

Date & Time: Wed., 10 Nov. 2021, 10:00 – 12:00 h (CET) | 14:30 – 16:30 h (IST)

Zoom link for registration:


Abschlussbericht zur India Week Hamburg 2015: „Hamburg zeigt die Vielfalt der Beziehungen mit Indien“

Die India Week Hamburg 2015 geht erfolgreich zu Ende: Schätzungsweise 31.000 Besucherinnen und Besucher folgten der Einladung, eine Woche lang Indien in Hamburg zu entdecken. Die sechste India Week Hamburg zeigte in über 80 Veranstaltungen die Vielfalt der Beziehungen zwischen Hamburg und Indien.

Trilok Gurtu im Konzert. (Bild: Björn Buddenbohm)

Vom 2. bis zum 8. November 2015 war Hamburg nicht nur Tor zur Welt sondern das Tor zu Indien. Fast überall in der Hansestadt konnten Hamburgerinnen und Hamburger spannende Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen der indischen Wirtschaft, Politik, Kultur und Gesellschaft gewinnen. Viele der vortragenden Expertinnen und Experten sowie Künstlerinnen und Künstler waren direkt aus Indien angereist. Die Förderung des gegenseitigen Austauschs und des Dialogs steht im Mittelpunkt der Veranstaltungsreihe, die alle zwei Jahre in Hamburg stattfindet.


From the “Gateway of India” to the “Gate to the World” – Discover India in Hamburg

IndiaWeek_Logo„Hamburg will celebrate the sixth India Week from 2nd to 8th November this year. More than 60 events covering economy, culture, science and education, politics and society will showcase the profound expertise in Hamburg relating to India.

Indo-German Economy

„What started as an initiative of the German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) in 2007, has become an institution over the years. Due to its growing size and wide range of topics, the event takes place every two years since 2009 and is organized under the lead of the Senate Chancellery together with the Ministry of Culture in Hamburg, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the HWF Hamburg Business Development Corporation and the German-Indian Round Table as well as the Hamburg Representation Mumbai. Another important partner is the Consulate General of India, Hamburg.

„The purpose of India Week Hamburg is to display the multiple ties between Hamburg and India, strengthen existing partnerships and create new opportunities for cooperation. All those institutions, universities, companies, NGOs and others who are involved with India are invited to contribute. []“

„[…] In the economic sphere, the Indian government has triggered many processes of change. Hence, during India Week Hamburg 2015, experts from Germany and India will provide a professional audience with the latest updates and discuss the specifics of doing business with India. To understand the Indian consumer is crucial for successful market entry and will be a focal topic of discussion. The legal framework will be an issue as well as the impact of the new investment policy “Make in India”. Potential German investors will receive in-depth information on tax regulations and the latest developments in Foreign Direct Investment. The issues of energy supply and renewables will be discussed as well as life sciences. The ongoing shift towards digitalization will be picked up by looking at digital ecosystems, mobile and e-commerce in India or the media’s search for online gold. […]“
