Hindi language trip to India

University of HamburgThe Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, University of Hamburg, Germany, in cooperation with the Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, India, offers a language trip to India, from February 10th – 28th, 2014 for students and non-students of Intermediate and advanced level Hindi who are interested in improving and enhancing their proficiency in Hindi.

Download detailed information & the registration form, as PDF, 588 KB

For any further information:
Dr. Ram Prasad Bhatt
University of Hamburg
Dept. of Culture & History of India & Tibet
Alsterterrasse 1. 20354 Hamburg. Germany
Tel: 040-42838-3388, -3385; Fax: 040-42838-6944
Email: Ram.Prasad.Bhatt@uni-hamburg.de
Web: www.aai.uni-hamburg.de/indtib/Sprachen.html

Talk on: „India’s Emergence as a Global Hub for Frugal Innovations“

Public Events at Universität Hamburg: „India’s Emergence as a Global Hub for Frugal Innovations“ (29 April 2013, 18:15 – 19:45, Hörsaal H, Hauptgebäude, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 / Dr. Rajnish Tiwari, Institute of Technology & Innovation Management, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg

See: http://www.uni-hamburg.de/campuslife/events_e.html

For more information on the lecture series „Economic Developments in South Asia“, see: http://www.aww.uni-hamburg.de/EconomicDevelopmentsSouthAsia.html

Or, see PDF file: UniHH_Lectures_SoSe2013

Smart Mobility for India: Needs, Opportunities and Challenges

India finds itself in a precarious situation. While the lack of efficient and effective mediums of mobility for public-at-large outside metropolitan cities continues to cause loss of productivity and stifle economic growth in a considerable manner; the economic growth in major urban centres and the resultant growth of passenger vehicles and two-wheelers is leading to heavy traffic jams and pollution, again causing loss of productivity and chocking of economic growth. This article argues that a viable solution to these entwined and complex challenges lies in implementing “smart mobility” solutions. This could prove to be the next growth driver and present immense opportunities for Indo-German collaboration, in both private and public sectors. []

This article, authored by Rajnish Tiwari, has been published in GermanyContact India (issue 02/2012, August). To continue reading click here. An extended, unedited version of the article with additional information/graphs can be accessed here (PDF, 524 KB).

Hindi Language Trip to India (11.02. – 01.03.2013)

University of Hamburg (Dept. of Culture & History of India & Tibet) and the Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, India, are organizing a 3-week intensive Hindi course in India. The course will take place from 11th February to 1st March 2013.

Detailed information:


Registration / further information:
Dr. Ram Prasad Bhatt
University of Hamburg
Dept. of Culture & History of India & Tibet
Alsterterrasse 1, 20354 Hamburg, Germany
Tel: 040-42838-3388, -3385; Fax: 040-42838-6944
E-Mail: Ram.Prasad.Bhatt@uni-hamburg.de

‚God particle‘: The Indian connection with Higgs boson

The Times of India (4th July 2012) reports:

GENEVA: As all eyes today focus on the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, famously known as CERN, Indian scientific and technological contributions are among the many that keeps the world’s biggest particle physics laboratory buzzing.

In a ‚quantum‘ leap in physics, CERN scientists today claimed to have spotted a sub-atomic particle „consistent“ with the Higgs boson or ‚God particle‘, believed to be a crucial building block that led to the formation of the universe.

There is an intrinsic Indian connection to what is happening at CERN – Satyendra Nath Bose. It is Bose after whom the sub-atomic particle ‚boson‘ is named.

His study changed the way Particle Physics has been studied ever since. The Higgs boson is a particle that is theoretically the reason why all matter in the Universe has mass.

The name Higgs boson came from a British scientist Peter Higgs and Bose. The work done by Bose and Albert Einstein, later added by Higgs, lead to this pioneering day.

„India is like a historic father of the project,“ Paolo Giubellino, CERN spokesperson had said back in October last year when PTI visited the facility.

At the core of the CERN, spread over two countries as it is situated near the Swiss-Franco border, is the 27-km long tunnel, over 70 metres beneath the ground, where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) or commonly referred to as the Big Bang experiment was conducted last year.

The experiment had aimed to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang, when the universe is thought to have exploded into existence about 14 billion years ago.

The CERN runs a number of experimental projects and over 100 Indian scientists are working round the clock.

Also see: Satyendra Nath Bose towers over Higgs in world of physics (Times of India, 6th July 2012)