From the “Gateway of India” to the “Gate to the World” – Discover India in Hamburg

IndiaWeek_Logo„Hamburg will celebrate the sixth India Week from 2nd to 8th November this year. More than 60 events covering economy, culture, science and education, politics and society will showcase the profound expertise in Hamburg relating to India.

Indo-German Economy

„What started as an initiative of the German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) in 2007, has become an institution over the years. Due to its growing size and wide range of topics, the event takes place every two years since 2009 and is organized under the lead of the Senate Chancellery together with the Ministry of Culture in Hamburg, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the HWF Hamburg Business Development Corporation and the German-Indian Round Table as well as the Hamburg Representation Mumbai. Another important partner is the Consulate General of India, Hamburg.

„The purpose of India Week Hamburg is to display the multiple ties between Hamburg and India, strengthen existing partnerships and create new opportunities for cooperation. All those institutions, universities, companies, NGOs and others who are involved with India are invited to contribute. []“

„[…] In the economic sphere, the Indian government has triggered many processes of change. Hence, during India Week Hamburg 2015, experts from Germany and India will provide a professional audience with the latest updates and discuss the specifics of doing business with India. To understand the Indian consumer is crucial for successful market entry and will be a focal topic of discussion. The legal framework will be an issue as well as the impact of the new investment policy “Make in India”. Potential German investors will receive in-depth information on tax regulations and the latest developments in Foreign Direct Investment. The issues of energy supply and renewables will be discussed as well as life sciences. The ongoing shift towards digitalization will be picked up by looking at digital ecosystems, mobile and e-commerce in India or the media’s search for online gold. […]“


1. Deutsch-Indisches Wirtschaftsforum Mitteldeutschland

German Indian Round Table Leipzig und Fraunhofer MOEZ laden Mittelständler zum Austausch über das diesjährige Partnerland der Hannover Messe

Deutsch-Indisches Wirtschaftsforum am 21. April 2015 in Leipzig

Deutsch-Indisches Wirtschaftsforum am 21. April 2015 in Leipzig

“Make in India“ – die von Premierminister Narendra Modi im September 2014 neu eingeführte internationale Kampagne soll ausländische Investitionen, insbesondere im Bereich Produktion, in Indien stärken. Die Bedeutung des indischen Marktes für deutsche und europäische Unternehmen wird 2015 mit der offiziellen Länderpartnerschaft Indiens auf der weltweit wichtigsten Industriemesse, der Hannover Messe, erneut unterstrichen.


Einladung zum GIRT-Treffen in Hamburg am 30. März 2015

GIRT LogoDer German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) Hamburg lädt recht herzlich zu seinem nächsten Treffen am 30. März 2015 in Hamburg ein.

Es sind spannende Zeiten in Indien und es gibt nach den Wahlen im Stadtstaat Delhi und dem neuen Haushaltsentwurf durch den indischen Finanzminister für das Fiskaljahr 2015-16 einiges, inklusive der geplanten „India Week Hamburg 2015“, das wir in gewohnter Runde besprechen wollen.

Als Hauptattraktion des Abends haben wir einen Vortrag von Frau Eleonora Zagorska vom Fraunhofer MOEZ in Leipzig zum Thema:

Management der Technologieanpassung zur erfolgreichen Markterschließung in Indien

Frau Eleonora Zagorska

Frau Zagorska arbeitet als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Projektleiterin am Fraunhofer MOEZ in der Abteilung “Unternehmen und internationale Märkte”. Unter anderem koordiniert sie in Zusammenarbeit mit dem European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC) eine Reihe von Projekten, die die Entwicklung neuer Ansätze zum Transfer und zur Anpassung innovativer, umweltfreundlicher Technologien zwischen der Europäischen Union und Indien zum Ziel haben.



Next Meeting of GIRT Hamburg on May 26, 2014

Dear friends of GIRT Hamburg,

India is currently witnessing a massive exercise by its citizens, the exercise of a very fundamental, democratic right. According to BBC, “It is the biggest voting event in the world: more than 800 million Indians are going to the polls over six weeks to elect a new government.” The results of this almost gigantic exercise and a hotly contested election would be out on 16th of May.

We cordially invite you to our next meeting of German-Indian Round Table in Hamburg on 26th of May (18:30h). By then we would know which party has won the largest number of seats in the Lok Sabha, the Lower House of India’s Parliament, and hopefully also which alliance of parties is likely to form the next government. With some luck, we might also have a preliminary idea of the policy framework for the next legislature period. Irrespective of which coalition rules in Delhi in the post-election period, we hope for, and expect, new impulses for socio-economic growth.
