From the “Gateway of India” to the “Gate to the World” – Discover India in Hamburg

IndiaWeek_Logo„Hamburg will celebrate the sixth India Week from 2nd to 8th November this year. More than 60 events covering economy, culture, science and education, politics and society will showcase the profound expertise in Hamburg relating to India.

Indo-German Economy

„What started as an initiative of the German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) in 2007, has become an institution over the years. Due to its growing size and wide range of topics, the event takes place every two years since 2009 and is organized under the lead of the Senate Chancellery together with the Ministry of Culture in Hamburg, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the HWF Hamburg Business Development Corporation and the German-Indian Round Table as well as the Hamburg Representation Mumbai. Another important partner is the Consulate General of India, Hamburg.

„The purpose of India Week Hamburg is to display the multiple ties between Hamburg and India, strengthen existing partnerships and create new opportunities for cooperation. All those institutions, universities, companies, NGOs and others who are involved with India are invited to contribute. []“

„[…] In the economic sphere, the Indian government has triggered many processes of change. Hence, during India Week Hamburg 2015, experts from Germany and India will provide a professional audience with the latest updates and discuss the specifics of doing business with India. To understand the Indian consumer is crucial for successful market entry and will be a focal topic of discussion. The legal framework will be an issue as well as the impact of the new investment policy “Make in India”. Potential German investors will receive in-depth information on tax regulations and the latest developments in Foreign Direct Investment. The issues of energy supply and renewables will be discussed as well as life sciences. The ongoing shift towards digitalization will be picked up by looking at digital ecosystems, mobile and e-commerce in India or the media’s search for online gold. […]“


„Make in India!“ Perspectives and Challenges of the new Industrialization Policy of India’s Government

Ein Veranstaltungshinweis für den 14.4. in Handelskammer Hamburg, 
09:30 - 13:00

Bild: Handelskammer Hamburg

In Kooperation mit der Deutsch-Indischen Handelskammer (AHK), der German Asia-Pacific Business Association (OAV) und der Hamburg Repräsentanz Mumbai laden wir Sie herzlich ein, sich über die Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der vom indischen Premierminister Narendra Modi unter dem Begriff „Make in India!“ initiierten Kampagne zu informieren.


India’s 68th Independence Day to be Celebrated in Hamburg

CGI_HH_15Aug2014The Consulate General of India, Hamburg will celebrate the 68th Independence Day of India at its premises on Friday, August 15, 2014, beginning 9:45 AM. All office bearers and members of the Indian and Indo-German Associations / Organisations have been „cordially invited to attend the function“.

The Consulate has also requested such associations and organisations to disseminate this information among the Indian community requesting them to participate in the celebrations. Further details may kindly be taken from the attached file.

Presseartikel: „Hamburg und Indien – wirtschaftlich eng verflochten“

Anlässlich der bevorstehenden „India Week Hamburg“ veröffentlicht unser Medienpartner Indien Aktuell einen interessanten Artikel zu den Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Indien und Hamburg, versehen mit aktuellen Zahlen…


Ganesha Festival in Hamburg on 21st and 22nd of September 2012

हैम्बर्ग में गणेश पालकी उत्सव (21.9.) और सार्वजनिक गणेशोत्सव (22.9.)

The group Anivasi Bharathi is planning a Ganesha festival on coming weekend. On Friday, 21st Sept. there is a „Ganesha Palaki Utsav“, which would involve a procession in Harburg. Saturday will see a „Sarvajanik Ganesha Utsav“, a public Ganesha festival, in the Hindu Temple in the Billstrasse. Further details can be found in the PDF file enclosed here or see the message by Anivasi Bharathi posted below. For any further information, please contact the organizers directly.


(Message from 18.09.2012 / 22.55h)

Dear Friends,

On behalf of Anivasi Bharathi, Hamburg, Germany, once again, We invite you all for the 5th Anniversary  of Public Ganesha Festival – 2012, which is planned on Friday, 21st t and Saturday, 22nd  September 2012.

With reference to our previous mail, we are happy to inform you that we have received permission to hold the PALAKI Utsav of Lord Ganesha in Harburg Rathaus on the previous day (21st September 2012 evening).

We have already completed one mega event, the ART AND SPORT MEET on 8th September 2012 successfully. Please find the updated invitation and the information for the remaining programmes.

EVENT 1 : ART AND SPORT MEET  —– Completed on 8th September 2012


Date      :   Saturday, 22nd September 2012

Time      :    15:00Hrs and 22:30 Hrs

Venue   :   Hindu Temple, Billstrasse 77, 20539   Hamburg, Germany

Note: Program shall begin exactly at 15:00Hrs with pooja. For more info contact


Date      : Friday, 21st September 2012

Time     : 18:30Hrs and 20:30 Hrs

Venue   : Harburg Rathausplatz , 21073 Hamburg, Germany

Route    : Harburger Rathausstraß – Deichhausweg –

Lüneburgerstraße -Harburgber Ring – Schloßmühlendamm – Sand

– Neue Straße – Am Centrumshaus – Harburger Rathausstraße

Note : Traditional dress is prefered.

For more info contact

During the Palaki Utsav demonstration of Indian Culture through dress, decoration and dance is being planned.

Please extend this invitation to your family and friends and bring them to make this celebration a grand success.

Please contact if someone wants to be a volunteer for any of the above mentioned events.

Mit freundlichen Gruß | Best regards

Harish Babu V



Hamburg, Germany

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