Invitation to an upcoming event:
The “Hidden Champions” and the India Challenge:
Market Entry and Cultivation Strategies for German “Mittelstand”
India has emerged as an important powerhouse of economic growth with global ramifications. An emerging and aspiring middle class, remarkable technological capabilities, integration in the global governance structures, and a supportive demographic structure coupled with the enormous need for modernization and upgrading of the country’s physical infrastructure provide an unparalleled avenue of economic growth for many coming decades. The “hidden champions” consisting of the renowned German “Mittelstand” (small and mid-sized firms) can participate in this growth story and help shape the Indian dream for “inclusive growth”. However, the long-term opportunities of engaging India seem too daunting for many a “hidden champion” owing to both real and perceived challenges in overcoming bureaucratic and market hurdles. At the same time, German firms would be ill-advised to ignore this market and leave the growth to their rivals from other (emerging market) multinationals.