GIRT Hamburg invites to its next meeting on Sept. 13, 2018

GIRT Hamburg and PwC join hands to organize an event to present results of recent studies of patterns in inwards and outwards FDI between India and Germany

Bild: R. Tiwari

Foreign direct investments (FDI) between India and Germany have been growing steadily. As per the official Bundesbank data, the consolidated stock of German FDI in India grew more than five-folds between 2006 and 2016: from €2.9 billion to €15.9 billion.[1] Today more than 600 German companies employ over 300,000 people in India and generate annual revenues worth €32 billion, which does not show in the trade statistics. Similarly, close to 100 Indian companies have invested €3.5 billion in Germany. They employ more than 20,000 people and generate annual revenues worth €11 billion in Germany.

So far, however, little information is publically available about the current patterns of German FDI in India, and vice versa, concerning the drivers of FDI, regional distribution and its effects on the host economy. German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) Hamburg is pleased to hold an event in cooperation with PwC Hamburg to shed more light on this and share this valuable knowledge with the interested firms, policy makers, media and individuals.

[see event details as PDF]

The event will begin with a brief welcome by Mr. Frank Quassowsky, Partner at PwC and Head of PwC’s India-German Business Group and by Dr. Rajnish Tiwari, Head of GIRT Hamburg.

The introductory words of the hosts shall be followed by a welcome address by India’s Consul General in Hamburg, Mr. Madan Lal Raigar, who will grace the event as chief guest.

The main keynote of the event will be on “German direct investments in India: Motives, regional distribution and effects” by Dr. Madan M. Arora. Weiterlesen

Next Meeting of GIRT Hamburg on June 13, 2016

We are pleased to invite to our next meeting, which will take place on Monday, the 13th June 2016.

This time we have the pleasure of hosting two special guest talks on the following topics:

  1. The age of digital enterprise: Opportunities of Indo-German collaboration”, by Mr. Ashutosh Kumar. Since 2002 Ashutosh is working with SAP at their head office in Germany. In his current role as chief business consultant he drives “IoT & Digital Experience” strategy services across EMEA region.
  1. India – A bright investment spot in global economy: assessment of last two years and opportunities on the Horizon“ by Mr. Manish Singla. He is currently Executive Director with Client Associates (Gurgaon) and is leading a team of seasoned family office professionals.

As usual, our meeting will take place from 18:30h onwards at Hotel Baseler Hof (Esplanade 11, 20354 Hamburg). In case of interest please send a binding registration by e-mail to by June 7, 2016. Owing to space constraints we reserve the right to admission.

Please also note that GIRT meetings are held as a “Stammtisch” which means there is no entry or participation fee but the participants are expected to consume their evening meal at the venue and pay for one’s own consumption. It is important to abide by this rule as this is the only way we can keep our events free-of-charge in representative settings.


100 Jahre Hamburger Indologie

Ein Veranstaltungshinweis von Frau Prof. Oranskaia für alle Interessierten


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Liebe Freunde,

die Hamburger Indologie feiert am 15.11.14 ihr 100jähriges Bestehen.

Universität Hamburg. Bild: UHH/Dichant

Wir laden Sie zur Feier herzlich ein. Die Jubiläumsveranstaltung ist mit dem 12. Südasien-Tag verbunden und findet im Asien-Afrika-Institut der Universität Hamburg statt (Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Flügel Ost).

Nach der Eröffnung um 13:00 Uhr werden Festvorträge die Geschichte der Hamburger Indologie beleuchten.


Veranstaltungshinweis: Aufführung „Anantata“ der Stadtteilschule Blankenese in Hamburg

Aufführung „Anantata“ des Musikprofils Jahrgang 9 der StS Blankenese

am 19.6.2014 um 20 Uhr in der Blankeneser Kirche am Markt, Hamburg

Weitere Details: Siehe PDF (136 KB)

Für weitere Infos:

Christian Schudy
Mitglied des Elternrates der Stadtteilschule Blankenese
Elternvertreter der Klasse 9g


India Week 2013: Indien zeigt sich in Hamburg als Partner mit Chancen

Pressemitteilung der Senatskanzlei der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
19. September 2013 / 12:13Uhr

Logo der India Week Hamburg 2013Die India Week Hamburg 2013 geht erfolgreich zu Ende: Während der einwöchigen Veranstaltungsreihe war Indien in der Hansestadt präsenter denn je. Mehr als 20.000 Menschen kamen zu über 50 Veranstaltungen und erlebten die kulturelle Vielfalt des indischen Subkontinents. Sie diskutierten über den gesellschaftlichen Wandel und das wirtschaftliche Potenzial der Beziehungen zwischen Hamburg und Indien.
